Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hello! Yes, I know it's been more than a year of hiatus. Finally, I have decided to break the silence and revive this nearly zombie-fied blog.

For the past months, it always came to mind to begin with the revival and talk about the places I went to, but didn't had the right push to do so. Haha. But now, here I am.

So without further ado, here's a round-up of the remarkable places and events I have been to this year.

7 Eleven Run. My first 10K running event for 2014. Originally, four

Pinto Art Museum


R3RUN. So far my longest distance running event. I joined the 12K category.

Tiyo's Cuisine by Chef & Brewer.

This is the draft of my supposedly come-back blog entry last October 12, 2014. I decided to post it still today, October 25, 2016, just so you know what happened to me during those gaps. :)

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